Forensic Toxicology Expert Witness
Lyle W. Hayes Ph.D., DABCC

Toxicologist with University Teaching Experience in Chemistry and Life and Medical Sciences
Dr. Lyle Hayes is a New York State Certified Forensic Toxicologist with extensive experience in drugs of abuse testing as a New York State Department of Health Certified Lab Director and Certifying Scientist. He has extensive teaching experience at the undergraduate and graduate levels in chemistry, toxicology, biochemistry, and clinical chemistry.
Dr. Lyle Hayes has been practicing in the field of Forensic Toxicology for 30 years. He is an NYSDOH Board Certified Laboratory Director, Forensic Toxicology Diplomat within the American Board of Clinical Chemistry, and a full member in the Society of Forensic Toxicology. He received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Biophysics from Oregon State University, as well as studying as a Clinical Resident in Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology at the Oregon Health Sciences University.
He is qualified to provide a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the data used in your case. This includes evaluating test validity, testing for interferences and false positives, chain of custody, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and interpreting the results. If you have any further questions, please reach out to him via his contact page.
A comprehensive CV can be downloaded below. References available upon request.
A brief summary of his services can be found here.
NYSDOH Laboratory Director Certificate of Qualification
Forensic Toxicology
American Board of Clinical Chemistry
Full Member
Society of Forensic Toxicology
Clinical Resident, Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology
Oregon Health Sciences University
Ph.D. Biochemistry/Biophysics
Oregon State University
B.A. Chemistry
Colorado College
Courses taught at an undergraduate level: Introductory Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, General Biochemistry, Molecular Biochemistry, Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Instrumentation, Special Chemistry (Clinical), Biochemistry Seminar, History of Disease, History of Science, Human Environmental Disease.
Courses taught at a graduate level: Biochemistry, Clinical Pathology Seminar, Pathophysiology, Serum Proteins, Molecular Biology.
Laboratory Director March 2016 -present | Restoration Sport and Spine Care Dobbs Ferry, NY |
Laboratory Director May 2015 – 2019 | Startnew Medical PC, Wappingers Falls, NY |
Director 2006 – 2009 | Saratoga Laboratories Maintain laboratory certification and compliance with NYSHOH inspection and proficiency program for urine and hair drugs of abuse testing. Certify all results and maintain quality assurance and control. Supervise laboratory personnel and operations. Develop, validate, and implement analytic methods on GC/MS, GC/MS/MS, and LC/MS/MS instrumentation. |
Laboratory Director 1996 – 2006 | Northeastern Toxicology Laboratory Established and maintained laboratory certification and compliance with NYSHOH inspection and proficiency program. Developed, validated, and implemented urine drugs of abuse EMIT screening and confirmation methodology with GC/MS. Developed, validated, and implemented Hair testing for Amphetamines, Opiates, Cocaine metabolites, Phencyclidine, and THCA and a highly sensitive Ethylglucuronide method. |
Chemistry Supervisor 1993 – 1996 | Leonard Hospital and Seaton Health System, Troy, NY Supervised chemistry and toxicology section of laboratory, including quality control and quality assurance and NYSDOH proficiency compliance. |
Clinical Chemist | Dept. Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Albany Medical Center, Albany, NY Responsible for supervision of stat lab, blood gas section, satellite, and decentralized testing. |
Clinical Chemistry Fellow | Dept. Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Albany Medical Center, Albany, NY |
Visiting Professor of Chemistry | Division of Natural Sciences, Bennington College, Bennington, VT Taught undergraduate organic and general chemistry, with labs. |
Assistant Professor | Clinical Chemistry, Department of Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI Taught clinical chemistry and toxicology for medical technology students. Supervised Graduate Program. |
Clinical Chemistry Resident | Clinical Pathology and Toxicology, School of Medicine, Oregon Health Sciences University, OR |
Assistant Professor | Biochemistry Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA |
Research Associate | Biochemistry Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA |
Research Associate | Biochemistry Department, Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center for Mental Retardation and Harvard Medical School MA |
Recently Invited Presentations and Seminars
“Environmental Sources of Human Disease”. Environmental Sciences, Skidmore College, Spring 2003
“Chromatography of Natural Substances” Laboratory and Lecture, Science Institute for Girls. Skidmore College, July 1999 -2003.
“Pharmacogenetics and Medicine of the Future”. Elder Hostel Lecture Series, Skidmore College, September 2001.
“Human Environmental Toxicology—an Introduction” Environmental Sciences, Skidmore College, December 2001
“Fad Diets in the US-—A Biochemist’s View of What Works and Why”. Sciences Division, Adirondack Community College, May 2001.
“Antioxidants and nutrition in diet and supplements in the elderly” Elder Hostel Lecture Series, Skidmore College, September 2000.
“Drug Interactions in a Geriatric Population” Elder Hostel Lecture Series, Skidmore College, September 1999.
Nominated by Medical Technology students for “Golden Apple” Award for Outstanding Teacher in School of Allied Health Professions, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Nominated by students for Distinguished University Professor.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Received merit award for teaching excellence. Special teaching award by faculty.
University of Massachusetts.
NDEA Predoctoral Fellow.
Oregon State University, 1966-1968.
Predoctoral Fellowship.
Dept. Biochemistry and Biophysics, Oregon State University.
Awarded tuition scholarship.
Colorado College.
Grants Obtained
1988 – 1990 “Vascular Damage and Angiotensin-converting Enzyme” NIH AREA Award, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, $72,000.
1987 – 1988 “Serum Forms of Angiotensin-converting Enzyme in Diagnosis and Disease” Graduate Council Award, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee $9600.
1982 – 1983 “Metabolism of Angiotensin-converting Enzyme in Endothelial Cells” NIH Biomedical Research Grant.
1981 – 1982 “Purification of Angiotensin-converting Enzyme from Cultured Endothelial Cells” NIH Biomedical Research grant.